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Electroencephalography (EEG)

  • Clinical and high-density EEG

Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)

  • 3T and 7T MRI scanners
  • High-resolution structural MRI of brain and spinal cord 
  • High-resolution microstructural MRI of brain and spinal cord (diffusion MRI - dMRI, diffusion tensor imaging - DTI, neurite orientation dispersion and density imaging - NODDI, high angular resolution diffusion imaging - HARDI, axonal microstructure, etc.)
  • High-resolution functional MRI (fMRI)
  • Infant MRI during physiologic sleep
  • Animal models (dog and mouse)
  • MRI imaging protocol design and harmonization


  • Interleaved EEG-fMRI
  • Simultaneous EEG-fMRI

Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy (MRS)

  • 3T, 7T, 9.4T MRS scanners
  • Infant MRS during physiologic sleep
  • Animal models (dog and mouse)

Retina Imaging

  • Dynamic human retina imaging (video-ophthalmoscopy)
  • Simultaneous acquisition of dynamic human retina imaging with other biosignals (e.g., electrocargiography - ECG, photoplethysmography - PPG, electrooculography - EOG, invasive arterial blood pressure or invasive intracranial pressure)